
I lost my PTDE Packet. How can I get another copy?

If you’ve lost or cannot find your PTDE Packet, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation website has a page where you can download another copy.

To get another copy, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Search for your PTDE Packet by entering either:
    • The email address provided at the time of payment of the packet (this may be different from the email used to log in to
    • OR; Your PTDE Packet Receipt Number and the Zip Code used when purchasing the packet.
  3. You’ll then be able to download another copy of your PTDE Packet.

Can’t find the receipt number?

Search your email for a message from ““. After your initial purchase of the packet the TDLR will have emailed you a receipt.

If you do not have the information required to search for the PTDE Packet, contact the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation directly:

Can I contact to find my PTDE Packet?

We are unable to provide the PTDE Packet as it is sold and managed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, not However, if you are a student, you can find the receipt number you submitted in our course on this page. With that number, follow the instructions above to locate your PTDE Packet.

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